Shut Down Line 5

Shut Down Line 5

image of Shut Down Line 5

The Enbridge Line 5 pipeline is a threat to the Great Lakes region. Built in 1953 and designed to last 50 years, Line 5 carries nearly 23 million gallons of oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs) from the oil sands fields of western Canada to refineries in Ontario, using the Straits of Mackinac as a high-risk shortcut.

The pipeline lies on the public trust bottom lands of the Straits, where Lake Michigan and Lake Huron meet. It's a busy shipping channel with fierce currents, and ship anchors and other objects have repeatedly dented and gouged Line 5, and its ...

The Enbridge Line 5 pipeline is a threat to the Great Lakes region. Built in 1953 and designed to last 50 years, Line 5 carries nearly 23 million gallons of oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs) from the oil sands fields of western Canada to refineries in Ontario, using the Straits of Mackinac as a high-risk shortcut.

The pipeline lies on the public trust bottom lands of the Straits, where Lake Michigan and Lake Huron meet. It's a busy shipping channel with fierce currents, and ship anchors and other objects have repeatedly dented and gouged Line 5, and its protective coating has been damaged in several places.

On November 13, 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer took decisive action and ordered Enbridge to shut down Line 5 -- an order Enbridge continues to defy.

We can not risk an oil spill in the Great Lakes. Tell your elected officials that this issue matters to you, your community, and the Great Lakes Basin. Smarter alternatives already exist to deliver safe, affordable, and reliable energy without jeopardizing our waters.

Click here to read the recent expert report from PLG.


Email your senators and representatives

Let Michigan's senators and congressional representatives know that you're concerned about the Line 5 pipeline and the risk of oil spill in the Great Lakes!

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We've provided a helpful draft email here, but you are encouraged to personalize it and add the reasons why you're concerned about Line 5.